Fungal Infections

To determine if a fungal infection is present a through examination is needed.

Fungal infections have various forms and can cause much anxiety and pain. On the hands and feet, they may look like white scales. At times fungal infections of the scalp can cause a patch of round to oval shaped hair loss with scales. In the groin fungal infections may look like an expanding, red patch with scales. Fungal infections of toenails and fingernails may appear as yellowish thickening of the nail with other complications. On the body the infection can look like a red ring with scales.

We have tests that are applied in the office to determine if a skin abnormality is of fungal origin or not. Our evaluation and treatments have been tried and tested for over 30 years.

Fungal infections can be effectively treated with topical anti-fungal creams, shampoos, oral anti-fungal medications, and lasers. We have the experience and treatments to eliminate fungal infections from the skin.

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